Find out Monthly Horoscope for 12 Astrology zodiac signs.
Our Monthly Horoscope based on planetary position and predictions are for more reliable and accurate. Find out 12 signs monthly forecast list here
Aries Monthly Horoscope
July is going to be an average month for Aries. There are chances of you experiencing some health issues also. The things would, however, improve in the second half of the month. Before which, you might observe a sudden spike in your aggression. You July feel a bit stubborn and fixated and July resist welcoming change with all your heart. There could be aggressive outbursts, which could make you take wrong decisions in the heat of things. This tendency could affect your relationships, thus exercise caution this month. Healthwise, chances of hypertension, some injury or inflammation are there.
Taurus Monthly Horoscope
Stand up tall Taurus for July might pose a lot of challenges to overcome. And it is your confidence, ability, and expression that will help you get through it all to ultimately reach progress. Change in residence & domestic matters is one of the unexpected challenges you may encounter. But at the same time, there would be some respite in personal relationships. The financial pressures of the past will stop haunting you too, eventually creating a balance in life.
Gemini Monthly Horoscope
The month of July without a doubt is a lot more relaxed and easygoing for Gemini than before. Your actions would be coherent, initiatives inspired and life a lot more exhilarating and inspiring. This is a wonderful time to indulge in a number of activities. You would feel all active and energized, ready to embrace and live life to the fullest. Family life would be blissful with plenty of group activities and adventures in store. You would spend some memorable time with loved ones.
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
This month, you would be in high-strung mode, all energetic and active. July would welcome you with a host of activities and things to be done. Certain areas, however, need special attention. Pay heed to your career choices as well as try to keep the family atmosphere light. A calm and composed demeanor would be the key. Love life could stumble owing to irritability and aggression, which needs to be kept in check. As exhilarated as you may feel, life would be a little troublesome due to lack of direction. You need to work upon your concentration level.
Leo Monthly Horoscope
The atypical planetary combinations would bring a unique situation for Leo. A surge of determination and hard work will drive all your actions and your efforts are likely to fetch positive results. But some challenges would strike that may not let you enjoy the fruits of your labor. A health complication is one of them. You need to be very cautious of any preliminary symptoms as health downfall would affect your success overall this month. Moreover, you would not be at ease with yourself.
Virgo Monthly Horoscope
If June seemed a little directionless to you, July is definitely going to be seamless, a time you can look forward to. This would be a positive but hectic month. Expect to initiate some long distance travel during this month. You would feel unperturbed and happy, your demeanor would be polite with others and it would be fruitful too. If you have some long-hoped-for desire, this is the time to get it fulfilled.
Libra Monthly Horoscope
Libra, your intrinsic cheerful personality will shine out this month. This month seems to be a positive period, promising plenty of opportunities to have a whale of a time with loved ones. You would relish the company of friends and family and spend a lot of time with them. There is also a possibility of a social gathering or a trip so expect a busy and fun period. Overall, this is quite a pleasant and rosy time for Libra, just as you like the world to be.
Scoprio Monthly Horoscope
During July 2018, Scorpio may have to attend to a lot of challenges. It would require ample efforts to put things back in place. You may have to be extra careful in terms of finances as excessive expenditure could lead to trouble. Weak planetary placement could accelerate conflicts among family members as well as a lack of mental peace on a personal level. The health of spouse might keep you worried this month, thus take good care of them. The essence of the situation is that you need to exercise caution in all areas of life this month.
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
During July, family and personal happiness would be present for Sagittarius but finance is the area that needs your attention. A positive mindset would help to streamline the path and finish off tasks with a focused approach. Luck seems to be on your side, but expect a few hurdles too. While enjoying the blissful domestic life, curb your urge for a spending spree as the financial state is at risk.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Capricorn, July is going to be an average month for you. There would be peace but challenges too. You would feel highly ambitious and driven towards realizing your goals. Your only focus this month seems to be making progress and building a better image and status for yourself. And indeed, you would do anything and everything in order to reach the top, be it working overtime to impress the boss or improving your relationship with seniors to earn some favor. You would be totally in the groove at workplace, with a single motive, to march forward by hook or crook. Love and family life demands a lot of your time, which you may struggle to offer owing to professional endeavors.
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
Aquarius, July seems to be a little tough and hectic but you would be full of energy to tackle it effectively. Nevertheless, do not push yourself beyond your limits. You may end up giving more than required to ultimately feel tired and exhausted. And this may continue to happen until the end of the month. But this doesn’t mean that your efforts would go in vain. All your hard work would pay off and professional desires would get fulfilled.
Pisces Monthly Horoscope
July wouldn’t greet you as warmly as you may expect. There would be moments of success and relatedness for sure but predated by a series of changes and hurdles. Nevertheless, you have what it takes to tackle the challenges and fight off competition to ultimately come out as a winner. Despite having the financial comforts, you would struggle to be at ease owing to the hurdles on the professional front. You have a tendency to see life through the rose-colored glasses, thus the harsh realities of life may be too much to handle for you this month.
Acharya Shri – Best Indian astrolgoer in Sydney
As a professional Astrologer, it’s my job to help you gain understanding and assist you in your quest to live to your true potential. I love what I do and I’d be pleased to help you answer your most important questions. An Indian Vedic Astrologer from Sydney practices Astrology, Palm reading, Yagna-Hawan, Pooja-Path, Katha Pravchan, Meditation and all Vedic workshops all over Australia . Contact Acharya Shri for detailed reading. Consultation are done via Skype or Phone.